Don’t worry.

Serafeim Lamprou
6 min readFeb 17, 2021

Worry will not fix a thing.

Photo by Reksa NIL on Unsplash

Before taking my advice, let me tell you why you should listen to what I have to say.

I have always been a very worried person. A too much-worried person. Although my worries and stress have been leading me to constantly taking action and moving forward, the drawbacks are a lot less appealing and severe. A constant fight with depression with its high and lows, diabetes at the age of 26, and the fear of a complicated future regarding health issues.

You will have heard this a thousand times, but your life, time, and health are your most valuable assets and I urge you not to trade it, whatever the offer.

I am happy. And you should be too.

You deserve it. It took me a while to understand, I paid the price, but we all deserve it and we can all live an amazing and fulfilling life.

Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

You can improve without stressing about improvement. You can solve your financial problems without worrying about them. You can thrive on your relationships without sacrificing other important parts of yourself. I know. Because I did it.

You can have it all!

People say you can’t have it all, but I say you can have everything you need if you risk being vulnerable.

It is the point I should tell you how I did it, but it is not that simple. It is not a 10-bullet list with advice. Life-changing decisions and moments come gradually and without notice, however, they are DECISIONS.

You decide to be healthy, you decide to be happy, you decide to live according to your values, you decide to take care of the most important person in your life, yourself. If you decide it, you will find a way to accomplish it.

Again gradually. Try one thing, then fail, then try another, fail again, try again, and one day you look back and understand. Embrace your curiosity. It will lead you to the most unimagined and beautiful places. Get to know you. Let yourself grow.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I have been reading a great book on worrying lately. Although the writer focuses on the practical action you can take against worrying, while not giving too much attention to your mental background, it continues to be a great reading that could really help you… stop worrying and start living.

As you may have guessed, the book is “How to stop worrying and start living” by Dale Carnegie. I will try to outline my favorite quotes from the book for you.

How to stop worrying and start living

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Control what you can. Then compound.

The best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today’s work superbly today. That is the only possible way you can prepare for the future.

Can you see the wisdom behind these few simple lines? There is no meaning in stressing for tomorrow. You have no control over tomorrow. But you have control today

Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.

And by doing the best possible work today, you extend that control over the future. Compound this day by day and there is literally nothing you cannot do. We are little weak creatures without control. But we can use the time to our advantage.

If it does not sound like you, it does not worth it.

No matter what happens, always be yourself

Always it should be you. There is no point in stepping up the ladder if it is on the wrong wall. You have to act according to your values and intentions. Don’t live somebody else’s life. Doing things that do not feel like you will result in stress and worry because of the distance you are taking from your values. Be yourself. You are great.

Photo by davisuko on Unsplash

You can sing only what you are. You can paint only what you are. You must be what your experiences, your environment, and your heredity have made you. For better or for worse, you must play your own little instrument in the orchestra of life.

Dale Carnegie

There is always something beautiful. Enjoy it.

Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw stars.

Whatever the situation you are in, you get to chose what you will see, what your goal will be, what you are willing to try for. Things for sure could get worst and better. Aim right. Aim for the best. And always enjoy.


When the fierce, burning winds blow over our lives-and we cannot prevent them-let us, too, accept the inevitable. And then get busy and pick up the pieces

Sometimes all you can do is to accept and move forward. The faster you accept things as they are, the faster you will take action on improving. And always remember that this is not the end. Life inevitably has its ups and downs. Don’t dwell on them. Move forward.

Do your best. Focus, and be resourceful.

“If You Have A Lemon, Make A Lemonade

That is what a great educator does. But the fool does the exact opposite. If he finds
that life has handed him a lemon, he gives up and says: “I’m beaten. It is fate. I haven’t got a chance.” Then he proceeds to rail against the world and indulge in an orgy of selfpity.
But when the wise man is handed a lemon, he says: “What lesson can I learn from
this misfortune? How can I improve my situation? How can I turn this lemon into a lemonade?”

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

You are resourceful, you are smart, you have powers that you do not even imagine. Use them. Tap in your potential. Unlock yourself.

“Think of your life as an hourglass. You know there are thousands of grains of sand in the top of the hourglass; and they all pass slowly and evenly through the narrow neck in the middle. Nothing you or I could do would make more than one grain of sand pass through this narrow neck without impairing the hourglass. You and I and everyone else are like this hourglass…if we do not take [tasks] one at a time and let them pass…slowly and evenly, then we are bound to break our own…structure.”

Focus every time on one thing and do it well. Do not think of your next task or your previous one. The past is gone and the future is unknown. What matters happens now. Do it now.

Apply all the above

“knowledge isn’t power until it is applied;”

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Serafeim Lamprou

Writing what I think and enjoying life. Full time Dev Ops Engineer, part time artist. My life is my art. Living in Kefalonia Greece.